Near the middle of April, I flew home to California so my mom could help me make modifications to a dress that I needed to wear in a wedding. Not only did we make the dress modest for me, but we played around and it was so much fun! I got to hang out with my family.
After our Segway adventures, we had to go here:
Mom is a HUGE fan of the Crocs store. If you ever need to get her something and you don't know quite what to get, a Crocs gift card will make her happy as a clam.
I also got to hang out with my nieces and nephews. They are SO precious!
Atalie, Wyatt, Me, Cozette and Scottie
May was a really busy month at work for me. It generally is as you wind down a school year. I was busy trying to wrap up my old job while I was training for my new one. I was also in my friend Twyla's wedding, but I don't have any pictures of me yet. I am hoping to get a couple from her. I was fortunate enough to have a five week break from June 8th – July 12th. Tom was teaching up at the University of Kansas during this time. While I admit the break was nice, I will also admit that I spent quite a bit of time at my place of employment trying to get things set up so that when I started back to work for real it wouldn’t seem so overwhelming.
Tom did have to delay the receipt of his Master’s degree due to a small little item that a certain individual in the history department forgot to mention. Tom signed a contract in January to teach during the summer. At the end of February, beginning of March he set up his MA exams with the same lady that he signed the contract with. After the completion of his MA exams, which he passed with honors, this lady e-mailed him (on a Friday afternoon at about 4:55pm) to let him know that since he received his Master’s degree and was no longer part of the history department that he wasn’t eligible to teach the summer class. Long story short, Tom accepted an incomplete grade in a class that he finished in February. He wrote a paper for this class which won an award and everything. The incomplete was on his transcript until after he started teaching the class, then his advisor changed the grade back to the “A” that it was all along!
Due to overlapping work schedules, we weren’t able to really go anywhere this summer. We did buy plane tickets to California for Christmas though. We are looking forward to that.
In church news, I am no longer the Relief Society President. Tom was also released from the Activities Committee Chairperson. His new calling is Ward Clerk, and mine is the Temple Trip Coordinator for our ward. I think that we are both enjoying the change of pace.
I think this year will prove to be extremely busy for both Tom and I. All of Tom’s classes are in the evening from like 4-7, or 7-10pm. He will also be supervising student teachers here and there and everywhere. I will be busy working my normal 8 hours a day on top of all of the extra duty things I have signed up for, this includes supervision at sporting events (football, basketball, wrestling, volleyball) school dances, concerts etc….as well as being the person who goes to certain meetings to take notes.
We recently bought a car. It is a 2003 Nissan Altima. It is black and it is very nice looking! We have been a 1 car family for the past 4 years, and have LOVED not having a car payment, but between both of our hectic schedules, it wasn’t really possible for us to be a one car family anymore. I think we did really well in selecting a car that fits our budget. We don’t feel as if we are going to break the bank.
Well, I think that we are all caught up for now. Hopefully it won’t be another 4 months before we write again!